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Top Five Attractions on Key West

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Key West is Florida’s irreverent subtropical paradise and is a confluence of diversity, history, natural beauty,

and art. If you’ve only just been to the beaches and take advantage of the boat rides, then you’ve barely

scratched the surface. This miraculous little island, holds a lot more in store than what you have conceived.

From places of historical significance to museums to bizarre events, Key West offers a wholesome package for

all your vacation needs.

To help you sort out which places to visit fist, here’s a list of the top five attractions on Key West that you

cannot afford to miss.

1) Dry Tortugas National Park

This 100-square mile park preserves Fort Jefferson and the seven most isolated islands of Florida Keys. A

nature lover’s paradise, this national park is home to exotic species of tropical birds, abundant sea life, and

living coral reef.

The seclusion and the settled calm that accompanies this place ignites within you a sense of belonging. This

park receives around 60,000 visitors each year and is a terrific place for bird watching, camping, diving,

snorkeling, and saltwater fishing. The only way to access the park is either by seaplane or a boat. Ride with us

to this surreal park and have a peaceful day out with your loved ones.

2) Sunset Celebrations at Mallory Square

Mallory square is a plaza located in the city of Key West. This place is known to be the best hang out spot for

all the locals in Key West. The reason? Its stupendous, over-the-top sunset celebrations that take place every

night at Mallory square. A delightful treat to the eyes, this celebration witnesses locals and tourists from all

corners thronging the square to watch as the sun sets across the horizon. A massive fiesta of street

performers―you’ll find dancers, singers, food carts, and every other joy in that small square.

3) Fort Zachary Taylor State Park

Better known as Fort Taylor, this National Historic Landmark is located at the tip of Key West. This historic fort

erected in 1800’s played an important role in the Civil War and perfectly preserves its glorious history. You can

avail a guided tour of the Fort and learn a lot about US military history. A popular choice for recreation, it is

surrounded by a lot of restaurants and the beach, which makes for a perfect day outing.

4) Conch Train Tour

One of the most popular attractions in Key West, the Conch train is world famous for all the right reasons. This

train gives you a conch’s point of view of the island and takes you through a mighty tour of the entire island. No

trip to Key West is complete without riding the Conch train. With guided tours available, witness Key West at

its best with a Conch Train tour.

5) The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory

Say hello to more than 50 species of butterfly that dwell within this place. The place is pure eye-candy for

nature lovers, with its wide offerings of colorful butterflies and other butterfly-friendly birds. A walk into its

warm gardens, would make you feel like you’ve stepped into a fairy tale. Enjoy the colors and the serene music

that wraps around you within this place.

Our tours are designed to take you to the best of places in Key West. Visit all these invigorating places and

make your vacation mean something.

  • Key West Attractions
  • Key West Tour
  • Key West Tours
  • Things to do in Key West
  • Top 5 Key West Tours
  • Top Five Attractions on Key West
  • Top Key West Attractions